Service Sector
Business Partners Selection
Financing projects
PME de service, 60 salariés, dans le domaine de l’expertise en sécurité de système d’information, devant passée un cap.
· Des points faibles étaient à corriger pour soutenir un développement pérenne. Les grands clients débauchaient régulièrement les consultants après 18 à 24 mois, le temps de développer leurs expertises
· L’organisation de la production nécessitait une révision pour mettre une accélération du développement de façon maîtrisée.
· Périmètre de réalisation du CA à développer.
- To position the company in order to capitalize on experience by developing tools with the aim of :
- Optimize the creation of cash to support and finance the development.
- Implementing functional and technical solutions to capitalize on expertise and transfer of know-how
- Support the development of a network to strengthen the business
- Search for European funds to finance these operations.
- The project was able to obtain a total of 500 K€ in funding.
- The development of professional partner networks in Europe allowing the organization to open up to the realization of services outside the french territory : Spain, Italy, USA.
- Creation of a subsidiary to commercialize the results of the R&D project carried out with the international partnership and financed by the EU: creation of a 'market place' platform for Risk and Security e-learning, which is valued.
- Entry into R&D networks supported by international consortia that have brought more visibility and enhanced the company's image.